浏览: 日期:2023-04-01 17:53:45
白鸥 | |
职位:主任 | |
年龄:39 | |
部门:中心 | |
学历:博士 |
白鸥,博士,教授、博士生导师,天目杰出青年学者。浙江省文化与旅游标准化研究会副会长,全国旅游标准化技术委员会旅游国际标准工作特聘专家,浙江省文化与旅游标准化技术委员会专家委员,ISO国际标准化组织ISO/TC228 WG3秘书。主要从事区域创新生态系统、服务创新等方面教学和研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、浙江省软科学重点项目等项目10余项;发表论文60余篇;获得浙江省科技进步奖二等奖。
(1) Bai, O., Yang, X., Hunter, K.O. and Wang, B. Meorient: a pioneer of the digital exhibition industry, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies,2022.10
(2) 白鸥,李拓宇,从竞争优势到可持续发展:智慧城市创新生态系统的动态能力研究,研究与发展管理,2021,33(6):44-57.
(3) 白鸥,李拓宇,服务企业数字化转型与合作关系重构, The Fifth International Conference on Marketing Science and Innovation (MSI) and Journal of Cleaner Production Special Issue Workshop, 2021.5.22-23
(4) Ou Bai, Jiang Wei, Governance by IP protection and the performance of collaborative innovation in China: Does network embeddedness matter?The Fourth International Conference on Marketing Science and Innovation (MSI) and Journal of Business Research Special Issue Workshop , 2020.7. 11-12
(5) 白鸥,李拓宇,会展产业联盟治理与合作行为:杭州会议产业联盟的案例研究,旅游导刊,2020,4(3):62-86.
(6) Ou Bai, Jiang Wei, Alliance Management Capability of Entrepreneurial Nonprofit Organizations and Cross-sector Alliance Performance: An fsQCA Approach In 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (TEMS-ISIE), 2019 IEEE(Index by EI)2019.10.24-10.26.
(7) Ou Bai, Jiang Wei, IP protection and collaborative innovation performance in China: the moderating role of network embeddedness, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Management of Technology, 2019.6.22-23.
(8) Ou Bai, Jiang Wei, Xiaohua Yang, Roger Chen, Third-party Relational Governance and Collaborative Innovation Performance: The Role of IPR Protection, International Journal of Innovation Studies, 2020.4(1):1-15.
(9) Pérez J A H, Yang X, Bai O, et al. How Does Competition By Informal Firms Affect The Innovation In Formal Firms?[J]. International Studies of Management & Organization, 2019, 49(2): 173-190.
(10) 魏江,张莉,白鸥,双边市场平台知识资产治理制度建构,浙江大学学报(人文社科版),2019.49(2):72-85。
(11) 白鸥,数字信息时代下旅游企业的挑战与创新,旅游研究,2018.10(3):14-17.
(12) 白鸥,魏江,媒介人背书和服务创新网络合作绩效:组织投入的中介作用,管理工程学报,2018,32(4):1-8.